How is the price calculated from all the coins?
Is there a formula for the value of a coin?
And is it the same for every coin?
Good Question
Value of Coins are depended according to the trade happens, In coin market there are few coins directly traded with Dollar or Euro but almost all the coins are been traded with Bitcoin, Litecoin and other altcoins which are been already traded with Fiat so the value of altcoin is depended on them. IE. if Bitcoin Price is 1000$ and Litecoin value with Bitcoin is .03 then litecoin price is 30$ now lets think Bitcoin price goes up to 2000$ and litecoin is treding with bitcoin in .05 then litecoin price will be 100$ or lets think litecoin traded in .02 then litecoin price will be 40$ in that time. The same way applicable to all the alt coins.