Eventually Bitcoin must die or crush any other currency system.
Using any other methods to store and trade value will become useless.
It does seem a natural tendency to to think in absolutes. however I prefer the "not all your eggs in one basket" option. I think of bitcoin as a "valuable number". Therefore its value will vary from time to time. die, is an emotive and absolute word. The case where that will come to pass is when there are 1) no humans 2) no computers, electricity to operate them and no connection between at least two peers. Other currency systems are inherently unstable and will fail-to be replaced by other inherently unstable systems-ad-finitum Why? because any social group needs to barter to survive by some means. I am pleased I have lived to see the introduction of at least one method (crypto-currencies) of returning autonomy from being siezed by force or argued by fallicy (sophistry) from groups and individuals and returned to its rightfull place (in my opinion) to the individual themselves alone. I have a few BTC and know their value is directed by myself alone and no other. This is the first time in human history anyone has been able to say that with some confidence and it is quite satisfying. reg.
By not using Bitcoin, you place your eggs all in one basket.
But using Bitcoin you scatter eggs across the globe.
Either Bitcoin lives or crushes other currency, in which people are placing eggs in one basket.
Using Bitcoin with other currency in the now, is only damaging Bitcoin's FUTURE self.