microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 19, 2018, 09:11:38 AM Last edit: October 20, 2021, 09:04:36 AM by microbitcoinorg |
MICRO BITCOINKeep Bitcoin, Use MicroBitcoinA payments protocol built on blockchain technology with open source, decentralization and peer-to-peer at heart. OFFICIAL LINKSDevelopers Forum: https://mbc.wiki/Github: https://github.com/MicroBitcoinOrg/MicroBitcoin/Website: https://microbitcoin.org/Discord: https://discord.io/microbitcoin/Twitter: https://twitter.com/MicroBitcoinOrg/Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/MicroBitcoinOrg/SPECIFICATIONSMicroBitcoin is the first to implement the new proof-of-work CPU-friendly algorithm - power2b. For more details on the specifications, please see the specifications page and the developer forum. ECOSYSTEMA community platform where fellow pioneers can access easy and ready-to-use technology and implement their ideas for people to have access to, and a place where such ideas can be shared and built upon for the propelment of micropayments and henceforth; this is the vision for Micro Bitcoin. As developments happen, examples of use cases and applications will be written for others to be able to adapt accordingly that best fits their environment. PROPOSALSUpdate: Please see the wiki proposals page for more information. UPDATES[2021.10.18] MicroBitcoin 3.0 release [2019.10.09] New network snapshot launch, powe2b switch [2019.05.07] Rainforest v2 (RFv2) implementation [2019.03.06] Rainforest implementation [2018.10.27] LWMA-3 Update [2018.09.23] Fix CVE-2018-17144 [2018.09.19] LWMA-2 Update/Replay protection fix
May 19, 2018, 06:16:25 PM |
every day a new fork! if I had a btc on block 524,377 I could get coins? 1: 1? Asic Equihash has long been on sale. why just now you have thought about changing the Algo?

Activity: 196
Merit: 10
May 19, 2018, 06:57:02 PM |
Great projects guys, already asked a lot of questions on Telegram so just here to say good job
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 09:47:06 AM |
every day a new fork! if I had a btc on block 524,377 I could get coins? 1: 1? Asic Equihash has long been on sale. why just now you have thought about changing the Algo?
Thanks for the quesiton. Made a new announcement with updates to your question. The new hardfork block height is 525,000 due to the announcement by Bitmain regarding ASIC mining for equihash. We have to change the algo to keep it decentralized. There're other options we will implement.
Activity: 78
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 10:02:59 AM |
Which algo will be used for mbc ?
May 26, 2018, 11:29:05 AM |
see total supply Micro Bitcoin you give me is very big. Is not it too difficult to achieve the purpose of this project?
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 12:45:28 PM |
NEW coin mineable. I like. Is infinite mining or how many along is pow finished?
May 26, 2018, 04:05:09 PM |
every day a new fork! if I had a btc on block 524,377 I could get coins? 1: 1? Asic Equihash has long been on sale. why just now you have thought about changing the Algo?
you're really right, man. we're born with new forks. we're going to have problems with this in the future. maybe BTC will make an arrangement to make it all bitcoin trash.
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 26, 2018, 10:59:09 PM Last edit: May 29, 2018, 10:33:32 AM by microbitcoinorg |
Which algo will be used for mbc ?
UPDATEAt the moment we're implementing X16R algorithm.Updated to X16R after doing some research.We're proceeding with our initial interest in Grøstl-512 algorithm.
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 27, 2018, 12:48:21 AM |
see total supply Micro Bitcoin you give me is very big. Is not it too difficult to achieve the purpose of this project?
The increased supply it to make micropayments possible over a peer-to-peer network without sacrificing the distributed ledger as well as overpowering miners by escalating fees.

Activity: 201
Merit: 11
May 27, 2018, 01:45:01 AM |
where will Airdrop take place? what exchanges support you?
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 27, 2018, 02:44:56 AM |
where will Airdrop take place? what exchanges support you?
BTC block height 525,000. you can check https://microbitcoin.org/ for the countdown.
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 27, 2018, 04:01:48 AM |
NEW coin mineable. I like. Is infinite mining or how many along is pow finished?
Because of hardfork, the block rewards will be in the same ratio as well as block intervals. 12.5 BTC will be calculated in the following way: Current BTC Reward multiplied by Increase Ratio divided by Block Interval Ratio MBC / Block = (12.5 * 10,000) / 10 More information can be found in our whitepaper https://microbitcoin.org/.

Activity: 201
Merit: 11
May 28, 2018, 04:52:12 AM |
Which algo will be used for mbc ?
At the moment we're implementing Grøstl-512 X16R algorithm. Updated to X16R after doing some research. a very unstable algorithm, this is not an algorithm but a set of different algorithms. can all the same make a choice in the direction of stability? for example the algorithm from LBRY? and you did not answer the question, will the distribution be after the snapshot of the network? or that you leave it to yourself and this will be your pre-mine for the development of the project?
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 28, 2018, 07:03:11 AM |
Which algo will be used for mbc ?
At the moment we're implementing Grøstl-512 X16R algorithm. Updated to X16R after doing some research. a very unstable algorithm, this is not an algorithm but a set of different algorithms. can all the same make a choice in the direction of stability? for example the algorithm from LBRY? and you did not answer the question, will the distribution be after the snapshot of the network? or that you leave it to yourself and this will be your pre-mine for the development of the project? Thank you for the suggestion, we'll look into LBRY as well. At the moment due to time, we're proceeding with X16R as it does prevent ASICs. As for claiming MBC, you'll need your private keys to your BTC wallet then use it to claim MBC.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
May 29, 2018, 09:17:35 AM |
are there any mining pools supporting this coin?
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
May 29, 2018, 09:38:14 AM |
On what all exchanges it will be listed and what is the expected price for MBC ?
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 29, 2018, 10:08:06 AM |
are there any mining pools supporting this coin?
Haven't heard from any yet. If you're interested you may contact us via discord regarding initial setup of a pool.
microbitcoinorg (OP)
Activity: 236
Merit: 0
May 29, 2018, 01:46:21 PM |
On what all exchanges it will be listed and what is the expected price for MBC ?
We haven't heard of any directly from the exchanges as it's up to them and the market to list and determine the price of MBC.
May 30, 2018, 07:02:21 AM |
As announced here , today the hard fork should take place. Still a limited comunity arround the coin and i didn't hear about miners supporting the hard fork yet. Overall, MicroBitcoin dosn't give a solid reasons about the hard fork have to occur and which problems he is willing to solve.