Maybe you have heard of the millennium simulation once, the biggest simulation of the universe ever made. It is of great importance to do large scale simulations in modern cosmology, as new theoretical models in physics can be tested that way. It's here: was thinking about how quickly a massive computational grid can be built using the bitcoin protocol and how to do science with it. You donate computer time and get coins in return. The computational part has to be done by the CPU, and the verification of the block chain can be Scrypt based. ASICs would not exist (if they did, modern cosmology would be really, really happy
A block should contain:
- The hash of the last block of course
- All transactions of the block, like other coins
- The result of one computation 'unit'. The blockchain would deal with time ordering of events, but one timeframe in the millennium simulation is already in the 100's of GB. So some kind of parrallellization should be made
Each full set blocks (so all units) would represent one unit of time. The millennium simulation only has 64 (representing almost 14 billion years!). We can do that better!
Anyone else think this is a good idea? I am a decent programmer, but would like to get this idea a bit more concrete before I jump into the C