russia's answer to bitcoin, was released yesterday but had error in wallet and false trojen alarms from virustotal so people branded the coin a scamcoin, when in fact the russains were mining the hell out of it and take it very seriously. they released the fixed qt a few hours later.
the origional russain release thread is here which I have been translating.
someone posted new release details here network is rocketing as we speak the difficulty is hitting 94.28807472

"blocks" : 22742,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 94.28807472,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : 11,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"pooledtx" : 0,
"testnet" : false
its based off the QUARK coin.
GPU mining with smelter also works
this was at 5am today also set a cpu mining pool up in Russia