Hi and welcome.
The ad spaces on bitcointalk is auctioned off every week in the auction section.
This is a part-quote from the last round of ad spot auctions.
The forum sells ad space in the area beneath the first post of every topic page. About 25% of ad income goes to the forum moderators as thanks for all of their work. (There are many moderators, so each moderator gets only a small amount -- moderators should be seen as volunteers, not employees.) The rest is stored in the forum's treasury (
verifiably), where it sits until the forum needs it.
Ads are allowed to contain any non-annoying HTML/CSS style.
No images, JavaScript, or animation (no marquee or blinking). Ads must appear 3 or fewer lines tall in my browser. Ads will be prefixed with "Advertisement:". Ad text may not contain lies, misrepresentation, or inappropriate language. Ads may not link
directly to any NSFW page. Ads may be rejected for other reasons.
There are 10 total ad slots which are randomly rotated. So one ad slot has a one in ten chance of appearing. Seven of the slots are for sale here. Ads appear only on topic pages with more than one post, and only for people using the default theme.
The ad lasts at least 7 days starting from when I put it up. (However, if you look at the
ad history you'll see that ads frequently get 1-2 extra days, but this is random and definitely not guaranteed.)
StatsExact historical impression counts per slot:
https://bitcointalk.org/adrotate.php?adstatsInfo about the current ad slots: