January 05, 2014, 08:47:45 PM Last edit: January 05, 2014, 09:11:10 PM by EdwardWitten |
Hi, first post on btc forums. This is obviously not the best place to ask, but since I'm restricted to the newbie forum for now, I'll go ahead and do it here!
I'm running a 2 MHs scrypt rig on cgminer. One off the options is "worksize". Is it the same thing as the "Share Diff*" option on multipool? At the moment i'm mining on another pool and uses 256 worksize on all my cards. It gives me optimal result. What should I input as "Share Diff" on multipool? Is this 2 different measure of the size of the shares I take ?
Sorry again if this is misplaced. Multipool does not offer any live support or forums.