Lo siento. No comprede.
Bitcoin represents the fruit of my life's work. Of course I'm angry when a dummy like bruce, who clearly does not know what bitcoin is for, nor understands the necessity that mothered the invention, does all he can to use that as a vehicle to promote his sick numbers game. When was the last time a bank exectutive tried to lure you into a coffee shop toilet? It's my point that it's inapropriate behavior.
Las partes en negrita por favor.
The necessity that mothered the bitcoin invention is the need to make private irrevokable payments over long distance without having to trust or even know the spender. Social disease networkers like Bruce have consistently tried to adapt bitcoin to meeting up in person and getting to know the spender. There is no need to use bitcoin to pay for what Bruce buys in person. Paper money passed under the toilet stall works fine for his purpose. It's better even, because there is no need to carry a computer or wait for a confirmation.
The problem with the original invention that addresses the necessity as described above, is that criminals could, and did, steal the ledger books and the gold backing. In that way the privacy and the value were lost. Bitcoin is hoped to be the solution because criminals cannot rob the vault, or steal the data. It's been a long and painful process to get to where we are today. Probably less than one in a hundred posters to this forum have this understanding.