Hi all,
I would like to ask if you know of a way to get informed of the ico tokens which are entering exchanges?
One way of course is to follow the ico website,telegram e.t.c. but i am lokking for a more centralized way which include them all e.g. a website or similar.
Because it is not so easy to watch every ico out there indepedently everyday.
Thank you for your time reading this.
I am not sure if specific thing exists that is narrowed down at tracking when will whcih coin/token hit any exchange. Best is their website/reddit/news sources or even something like these websites :
https://www.coinscalendar.com/All in all every new token should be available on decentralzied exhcnages so in terms of ethereum I am thinking about IDEX and etherdelta for WAVE their own DEX and so on. As every platform that supports tokens has it's own DEX of some sort. Manily after distribution these DEXes are the first place where the token is listed on and are available for trade.