So I jsut got in 8 Diamond 280x cards. Put them on identical setups, in each box 3 of the 4 cards are running at about 700kh/s at around 70*, an each rig has 1 card running at 95*! I have dumbed down the over clocking and still cannot get that card to run much cooler even when hashing in the low 600s.
Do I call Newegg and have these cards replaced? Would a riser ribbon cause this? I have not yet tried to reposition on the montherboard nor have I tried swapped powered vs non powered ribbons, or 1x vs 16x, i will do that tonight.
Anyone getting these cards to hash faster than 700kh/s? I am running on smos-linux 1.2.
Thanks all!
I have had that problem with a couple of my cards, they were from newegg also, if everything is exactly the same on all cards, then you have a chip with a poor paste job. I didn't want to send a card back because they are too scarce, it is very easy to clean and put new paste on your chip, problem will be solved. yes it will void the warranty but what else to do. once new artic silver 5 was installed , temps dropped to normal