TrackChain(TKC)A tool to separate genuine products from forgeries
Proven blockchain-based technology, with a decentralized database that is impossible to tamper with
The more original products protecmore you earn
MediasWebsite: Verysoon
Twitter: tokenIn order to encourage more people to join and help us, we decide to distribute most of the TKC tokens for free, please refer to the AirDrop rules to claim your TKC tokens.
Contract Address: 0x0651842eE1f973367138CD512709D81bf8a62217
Total Supply: 800,000,000 TKC
Distribution: 600,000,000 AirDrop, 150,000,000 for team and community, 50,000,000 locked
AirDrop Rules1, Send 0 ETH to contract address 0x0651842eE1f973367138CD512709D81bf8a62217 (sending any extra amount of ETH will be considered as donations, and no given back)
2, The first one will get 10000 TKC tokens, and each time token is claimed, the next one will get less 0.001%.
3, Each address can only claim once.