This is a new product based on the BM1380 ASIC chip. As with other USB ASIC Bitcoin miners these have a very low power draw and run off a single usb port.
500 USBs are now in transit and estimated to be with me for 5th feb 2014 and will be shipped the day i get them! They will be sent out via Special Delivery so that i know orders have been recieved.
These units are offered at 0.087 each and are limited in availability.
At this price BTC/USD/ Gh is competitive to all the other usb miners out there.
Rated hashrate: 1.6 GH/s ( can be overclocked) in command line to run at 2.2ghs with extra cooling.
Electricity consumption as low as: 1.2 watts
Powered by the USB port without any other power source
Payment accepted in bitcoin. all payments to be made to this address 1 x ANT = 0.087 1Ghbs1cMJbR7eiVmfuYD9dgo6wTogBSwTS
rite after payment has been made please make sure you send me a message with your name and address to