So many trolls with little belief in making a stable alt economy.
If anyone has even bothered to read properly;
1) all calcs are estimates at the time of information delivery
2) 2% of all premine is not reserved for any personal or team gain but purely as reserves for the purchase of ore to support the coins long term value
3) launching 3 coins at once gives variety and also prevents the same people from benefitting from pumping a coin
There just seems to be a number of people with high hashing power trolling for coins to pump and leave low hashing people with nothing, thats plainly obvious, premine doesnt devalue coins.
In fact it might be an idea just to launch MacOs wallets to start off with to give them guys first look for a change?
If you are looking for quick profit, pump and dump, non premine coins then go and get yourselves some ImSelfishAndDontCareAboutAnyoneElseCoin (SELFISH)
Otherwise be fair, encourage new people to have a look, and have some faith in something a little different.
Too many ScamUsers nevermind ScamCoins - Bitcoin and Altcoin are peer to peer, person to person, opensource, sharing wealth, not mining the crap out of everything for individual gain!
We're delighted with positive comments and support from various sources and will continue hopefully with successful launches.
Cheers for now, more news tomorrow we hope