I didn't have a high opinion of the solidcoin founder CoinHunter aka RealSolid after I read his propaganda piece here:
http://solidcoin.info/solidcoin-ready-for-bitcoin-collapse.phpBut what I just read on IRC made my jaw drop. It does need some context so I've pasted the whole conversation here:
http://pastebin.com/ywxakYP3but to give a taste here are some snippets. As I read it he's basically admitting that he knows there's no factual basis for some of the libelous claims in his article and in fact he hasn't explicitly made those claims but he clearly understands that most people will skim it and end up with a certain impression. I certainly did. I read this article once and did a double take. I asked myself 'did that seriously just claim that Gavin Andreson is in league with the FBI?' On carefully rereading it I noted that it didn't explicitly say that but IMHO it was carefully crafted to leave that impression... The IRC conversation confirms this:
<bron> again, facts point to indictments against those who proilferate fake US currency. *coin is not.
<RealSolid> who cares what the facts are
<RealSolid> i dont like bitcoin, so that article came out implicating bitcoin in the fbi
<RealSolid> so it fit with the tone i was going for
<bron> <bron> the article doesnt make the factual connection
<RealSolid> i dont have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in an article to post something factual another site reported
<RealSolid> what dont you get about that
<RealSolid> i can say "another site says there is aliens on earth"
<RealSolid> and its true and factual
<RealSolid> thats exactly what i did there
<RealSolid> if you cant read english drbrontosaurus and are more affected by "tone"
<drbrontosaurus> and all it really says is you have ur bases covered for that scenario
<RealSolid> then you have played into my trap
<RealSolid> a lot of people just cant read well
<drbrontosaurus> and was throughly unimpressed
<drbrontosaurus> libertarians give a bad name to fuck-off-itarians like my self
<RealSolid> there are no lies on that page, but the tone of it certainly leaves the reader with an impression
<RealSolid> and that is what i wanted to achieve