I did my own math on actual earnings vs estimated earnings over about a week and found that I was about 40% below estimates every day. You would figure that with the average block reward being 500,000 doge that at some point, my earnings should be above average to balance it out, but no. Calculators estimated I should get around 27k doge at a particular average difficulty, my pool estimated about 22-23k, actual earnings were about 15k.
I switched back to LTC mining after the big difficulty drop and found that my earnings are equivalent to about 20k doge at current exchange rates from LTC to Doge, a 25% increase in value. So either my pool gets all the blocks with crap block rewards, the pool is skimming or the block reward average heavily weighs towards the lower end of the 0 to 1 million scale.
So mining LTC was more profitable??? I guess this is the reason people are selling the hashing power,because it's too difficult to follow every currency.