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Author Topic: [ANN] Metro – Decentralized exchange [AIRDROP] [POW/POS][GPU Mining]  (Read 496 times) (OP)
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May 24, 2018, 07:43:24 AM
Last edit: May 24, 2018, 08:27:23 AM by

Metro - decentralized exchange

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Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that followed Bitcoin solved third party problem for payments. They allow any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party. The solution turned out to be so remarkable that it gave birth to a new economy entity - decentralized corporations. Each cryptocurrency is a measure of value of its decentralized corporation.
And now we have new third party problem. We do not have a convenient way to move a value from one decentralized corporation to another without the involvement of a third party - centralized cryptocurrency exchanges.
Trustless cross-chain trading known as atomic swap is first step to solve the problem. However it has two disadvantages: first, that it's rather slow; second, that trading can be canceled in the process of execution after the parties came to an agreement.
We need a cross-chain exchange that provides a user experience not inferior to the centralized exchanges.

Project goals
  • Provide public blockchain based on popular NXT technology and codebase, whereas improving the initial token distribution by mining.
  • Make built-in NXT assets (colored coins) exchange functional, by providing trustless deposit/withdrawal from other blockchains.
  • Provide a near real time trading user experience.
  • Give to the community a tool for obtaining income in a variety of coins, Etherum Classic and other.

Short technical summary
Metro is a hybrid between Proof-of-Stake based on NXT (Next) and Proof-of-Work originating in Bitcoin with modified Dark Gravity Wave difficulty formula.
Max circulation supply: 1,000,000,000 MTR
POW blocks:
Algo: keccak256
Frequency: 1 in 10 minutes
Block reward: 2,000 MTR
Block reward halving: each 200,000 blocks (3 years 10 months)
POS blocks:
Algo: Blind shooting (ARDOR, NXT)
Frequency: 1 in 3 seconds
Block reward source: transaction fee, trading fee (will be implemented in stage 4)

JULY 2017 – Concept and Research. (done)
JANUARY 2018 – Development start. (done)
MAY 2018 – White paper, announce (done)
JUNE 2018 – Stage 1: Hybrid POW/POS blockchain implementation. Open source code. (coming soon)
JULY 2018 – Blockchain start. Airdrop.
SEPTEMBER 2018 – Stage 2: Transmitting hubs.
DECEMBER 2018 – Stage 3: Real time trading platform.
MARTH 2019 – Stage 4: Two side peg with Ethereum Classic.

Stage 1: Hybrid POW/POS blockchain implement. We need fast blocks to give user near real time trading experience. Proof-of-Stake gives us such ability. Proof-of-work has one advantage over the proof-of-stake — there is no need of additional data to check an eligibility of a block release and determine longest chain from the outside the blockchain. And we need this feature for blockchain pegging. Also Proof-of-Stake give us stake protection from 51 percent attack. So, we need hybrid blockchain.
Stage 2: Transmitting hubs. The larger the size of the peer-to-peer network, the longer it takes to distribute the block over the it. The highest speed of block distribution is shown by Delegated POS blockchains. Delegates perform the block producers and block propagation hub roles. Unlike DPOS, we split the block produce function and the block propagation function. Traditionally, the function of block produce is performed by miners and forgers, and transmitting hubs are responsible only for their rapid delivery to all network participants.
Stage 3: Real time trading platform. We plan to provide a user experience not inferior to the centralized exchanges.
Stage 4: Two side peg with Ethereum Classic. Ethereum Classic will be the first cryptocurrency pegged to Metro two sides because it has POW consensus and Turing-complete smart contracts. So the first pair on our exchange will be MTR/ETC.
Further stages: After adoption period we will continue adding other cryptocurrencies.

100,000,000 MTR coins or 10% of the max circulation supply will be distributed to NXT community. For each 10 NXT on your wallet at the moment of the snapshot you'll get 1MTR.
NXT Snapshot block #: 1894000
Other 100,000,000 MTR coins goes to development team.
Airdrop coins will be locked on the blockchain start. Every mined block will unlock 1/200,000 of locked balances. Thus, about 1000 initial distributed MTR will be unlocked every mined block. And whole initial distributed stake will be unlocked when mineres receive 400,000,000 MTR.

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May 24, 2018, 07:49:46 AM

seems interesting, will follow

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May 24, 2018, 08:01:59 AM

When the Metro able to mine? (OP)
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May 24, 2018, 08:19:57 AM

When the Metro able to mine?
Mainnet launch planed on first week of July (after snapshoot).
Wallet and miners (sgminer, ccminer) will be released in two weeks on github.

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May 24, 2018, 08:22:23 AM

Wow..what a great project...Happy to join with you..good luck dev.
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