I would like to see more promotional effort and now promotional effort is worth 80NXT or 0.008BTC.
Gogo, put even more money into pocket of this guy. The more of you who will end up scammed the better! Hahha
scam of the month!Was just wondering, is the price bump effective already? I know you said 50 pages.... but there is a lot of junk and multiple posts by the same people that just bumps the price up... are you doing 50 pages or 50 pages of interested investors?(1000 post/people)
This is a scam, you idiots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Care to explain why u think its a scam ?
The dev team have at least some proven track record here, working on the (currently) 5th largest (by total market cap
) crypto-currency. I'm pretty sure NEM will at least fire up some code and throw out a Genesis block, which is lot more than I can say for some of the current IPO's.
(and because I am awaiting legal advice pending a prosecution for defamation from
FrictionlessCoin The Corporation, I won't name any of these IPOs)
Bounty ANN: 10 NXT and a free trip to a Maryland courthouse for the first guy to post a
comprehensive list of the FC's current projects !
EDIT...Move over to
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=424724.msg4738820#msg4738820for more Frictionless fun, kids!