I think it's not that hard to install this, there is no much of configuration too.
Will make an instruction on how to properly install it soon.
- works only under linux
- node v0.4.11 (I was developing under this version, newest version might also work)
Short (and simplified) installation steps:
- download and install node.js (installation instructions:
https://github.com/joyent/node, download link:
- download and build node-gpu (
https://github.com/kuebk/node-gpu, build instructions are in readme - don't forget to fetch submodules)
- you need to install node-gpu on all of your miners.
all of them needs to be running the
slave module (using command:
node slave/index.js)
one of them needs to be running the
master module (using command:
node master/index.js)
browser can be used just from your deskop webserver is not really needed.
By default slave <-> master communication works using sockets on port 8888, master <-> browser communcation works using http ajax on port 8080.
The host of master to which browser will connect is configurable in
browser/index.html, the port under which
master will work is in in
master/index.js, port under which
slave works and
master connects to are in
slave/index.js and in
I know not everything is consist right now but it's really early version.