FYI, There is a more recent version of BAMT out there called SMOS available at . This has more recent video card drivers and some other enhancements and builds on BAMT. There is also a crontab job setup though to automatically mine to their pools for a few minutes each day for donation purposes, so be aware of this and adjust if needed.
As others have already said on the middlecoint thread, getting drivers to work in BAMT / SMOS may be difficult, or you might get it working. But even if you succeed in getting the drivers to work, you may find that connectivity to your rig will not be stable anyway over a usb based wifi connection (high loss rates, remote control issues, lots of hassle involved). I have found for in my area anyway that my rigs work much better over a wired connection running SMOS Linux / BAMT. I have given up attempting to run any rigs over wifi reliably for long periods after much trial and error and I use wired connections only. This does not mean it cannot be done, but in my experience it's usually not worth it to go this route.
Other options to consider (best to worst):
- Get a cable and pull a cable to you garage / attic / closet or location of your rig. If you're not comfortable doing this, see if you know any telephone people or cable installers and have a pro do it for you. They can probably come do it for a reasonable amount. As long as the cable is good, the connection will be very reliable and reliability is key for mining rigs.
- Try Homeplug Powerline ethernet adapters. For about $30-$40 you can get a 2 adapter kit. Better connectivity than wifi and easy to configure. You've got to plug it in for power anyway, right?
- You may be able to setup a wifi router in 'bridge' mode, such as a Linksys WRT54G or comparable router running Tomato or DD-WRT firmware. The wifi bridge then simulates a wired connection, and your linux rig can use the normal Ethernet connection. The routers have much more powerful radios and tend to have more stable connections on wifi. There are several tutorials on how to setup bridge mode available online.
Good luck!