Status: 0/unconfirmed, has not been successfully broadcast yet
Date: 22/01/2014 11:03
To: PLBRofeTzj478XTorx2kcS4E6DHPKrhCEM
Debit: -0.99 PPC
Transaction fee: -0.01 PPC
Net amount: -1.00 PPC
Transaction ID: d1f3ba0de923c00be577a31bc4c4683e9507fcf8abb9dc435a180b5da3aea564
my BTC 1MCxQx94NqFpnWTKdezgbxzNshPKV9T1Y6
Can you please check your client, has it been broadcasted to anyone yet?
EDIT: If not, then you should probably consider restarting your client with -rescan option to see these coins back on your wallet (they haven't been sent in this case). I will send you my 0.005 BTC now anyway, because I hope I can trust you and the amount is not that big, but you should anyway finish the transaction in the end.