Tell me how to download Bitcoin block headers (6 input parameters) parsed as csv data file ?
I run Javascript Bitcoin block hashing demo application and plan to run it for every block hashed in the past
to verify nonce.
Any idea ?
What I need are 6 Bitcoin block header raw input parameters
as defined by
https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_hashing_algorithmField Purpose Updated when... Size (Bytes)
Version Block version number You upgrade the software and it specifies a new version 4
hashPrevBlock 256-bit hash of the previous block header A new block comes in 32
hashMerkleRoot 256-bit hash based on all of the transactions in the block A transaction is accepted 32
Time Current timestamp as seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00 UTC Every few seconds 4
Bits Current target in compact format The difficulty is adjusted 4
Nonce 32-bit number (starts at 0) A hash is tried (increments) 4
so data only parsed.
Tried Blockexplorer
http://blockexplorer.com/block/00000000000000001e8d6829a8a21adc5d38d0a473b144b6765798e61f98bd1dUnfortunately block header 6 parameters are not parsed, too much ASCII text.
any help ?