How prepared is your pool to accept significant boosts to hash power?
We were tested with around 500 mh/sec at one point last month, just shortly after the middlecoin incident, and handled it without much issues. With the huge updates and optimizations to our server architecture over the past month, we are confident that we can handle much more than that without any significant issues.
What kind of ddos considerations are in place?
We're looking at setting up eu/useast/uswest/asia servers and putting loadbalancers in front of them in the near future if the hashrate increases significantly. With our devops tools, setting each server up should take under a day or two, barring blockchain syncs taking longer than that!
Cloudflare should be implemented for the frontend website once we finish with our next couple of rounds of updates to the backend.
What will your fee be when you do finally implement one?
Our mining fee will be 1%.