I'm testing this mostly for fun right now.
Just to compare, I am trying this using two operating systems.
On one: 2 P8400 CPUs at 2.26 GHz each, on Windows XP Pro (5.1, Build 2600) (the machine has running both Windows XP and Ubuntu, but am using the Windows XP mostly to see if I can make it fail)
That one is running as follows:
(yielding 2.77 - 3.15 khash/s - almost 100% accepted - lots of <yay!!!> appears in the command line)
Note: The pool for that one is stratum+tcp://stratum.ecurie.io:3333
setup to send vertcoin to hrmph3.hrmphworker:hrmpherhash (feel free to contribute some khash/s to me if you are feeling generous)
On the other, is running with
8 GB / 4 CPUs, 80 GB SSD disk, 5 TB transfer, Debian 7.0 x64
- using cloud instance ('droplet' setup) here:
https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=8567e6d7f12f(Please use my refcode link above if you try out the digitalocean thing - it helps me out.)
The build was fairly simple and straightforward.
In fact, I set it up exactly as was shown here:
http://dogecoin.ga/dogecoin_mining_cloud_servers.htmExcept rather than turn it to a dogecoin pool, I pointed it at vertcoin pool.
Note: The pool I am pushing that one on is p2p, currently running on stratum+tcp://p2pool.etyd.org:9171
currently running as follows (looks more or less like this on screen):
Stratum detected new block
thread 1 (...) 5.71 khash/s
thread 2 (...) 5.70 khash/s
thread 0 (...) 5.40 khash/s
thread 3 (...) 5.60 khash/s
Stratum detected new block (...)
(more or less repeats with similar khash/s but.. no yays or boos or accepted figures.)
It's been running for half an hour like that, with no yays or boos or accepted figures at all, so while it is happily hashing away, I don't know if I am seeing any benefit at all from it (Would be great to see some <yay!!!> in there, or at least something that would tell me that it is accepting, but nothing measurable is available yet.)
Command used to run it was as follows.
./minerd --url=stratum+tcp://p2pool.etyd.org:9171 --userpass=VbJpz8dWzuFJvJU2vNPqpW6PYmx2pwp8fQ:anything
(Yes, I am using the word 'anything' as the password - Just experimenting here.)
also have tried stratum.ecurie.io:3333 using the cloud instance setup, but I just get a lot of <boooo!> when using ecurie.io from the cloud instance - so right now I have it dialed to p2pool.etyd.org:9171)
Note: if this helped you in anyway, please send vertcoin to VbJpz8dWzuFJvJU2vNPqpW6PYmx2pwp8fQ
Another note: If you like the project I am working on [[ ABIS protocol -
https://gist.github.com/ABISprotocol/8515891 ]] then please notice the links at the bottom to donate in bitcoin, litecoin, or dogecoin. (or donate in vertcoin.)
Cheers, and many happy hashes!
edit: After over an hour of hashing away from the cloud instance, but with nothing showing from results from the cloud instance on Debian 7.0 x64 (4 CPUs), while the piss-poor Windows XP (2 CPU) setup is actually happily cranking out <yay!!!> hashes galore and much accept, it would seem that I am doing something wrong with the cloud thing, so I am going to destroy the droplet that is running on digitalocean. If anyone can get that to work please publish a vertcoin cloudmining guide here in this discussion thread somewhere. I notice that this: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/P2Pool#Frequently_Asked_Questions has a lot of useful info on p2pool stuff, but I don't know if any of it is actually necessary, since the Windows XP (2 CPU) setup (with stratum.ecurie.io) - while not a p2pool - seems to actually work. But if you can figure out a way to get a cloudmining (digitalocean or similar) setup to point at stratum.ecurie.io and actually work, please by all means include some notes in that in any guide you post here.