Hey... sounds like you’re getting there. I’d still lower the mem clock on the two cards getting memory errors, by like 25... I don’t like errors, and it won’t change hashrate that much. As for overall rig speed, don’t get caught up in trying to squeeze every little bit you can. Most people say to find the max then back off 5-10%. You’re equipment will last longer and won’t burn out so soon. Besides, 245mhs isn’t so bad...
Changed it the best I could and it's 245 MH/S now 3 and 5 show 1-2 errors over last 2 hours and now GPU 6 shows 16. It's like when I edit one card it affects a different card. This has become very frustrating lol
You likely will not get 32 mhs stable on the non Samsung cards.
Contrary, the Micron cards are the ones most stable at 32, 3 cards are over 32 and the other 2 are 30. The Samsung and Hynix are the lows at 29. I had thought the same thing. I bought a box of 10 straight from MSI after I already had the Samsung and Hynix and the 5 were nicron and have given me the least problems. I'm tempted to open 3 more from that case (since I have 5 unopened) and just run all micron.
Then I can start a fresh rig with the others, and add 2 other cards I acquired.