Prgramul oficial de Recompense
Buget total pentru Recompense: 5% din Investitia Totala.
Bugetul total pentru Recompense va fi alocat dupa cum urmeaza:30% (Campania de Semnaturi)
10% (Traducere/Moderare)
20% (Blog/Media)
20% (Social Media (Facebook si Twitter)
5% (Telegram Bounty)
5% (Community manager, moderator de Thread)
10% (Mis)
Nota: Toate platile aferente recompenselor vor fi initiate dupa finalizarea ICO si dupa distribuirea de tokeni. (Permiteti in jur de 2 saptamani pentru aceste calcule si plati. Recompensele vor fi platite direct de Proprietarii Proiectului, in Tokeni. Managerul de recompense nu detine control asupra fondului alocat.
Reguli Generale:
1: Schimbarea de Wallet NU este permisa, din momentul din care ai trimis wallet-ul la inscriere, acesta va fi blocat. Deci nu folositi adrese de Exchange, folositi doar wallet-uri de la care aveti Private Key.
2: Nu este permis sa puneti intrebari referitoare la Recompense in Grupul Oficial de Telegra. Folositi doar thread-ul de recompense sau Grupul de Telegram Recompense: . Oricine va fi depistat ca pune intrebari legate de recompense in grupul oficial de Telegram va fi descalificat fara instiintare.
3: Cititi cu atentie toti termenii si toate regulile de la fiecare Campanie si aveti grija sa le indepliniti intocmai. Orice este descalificat, pentru orice motiv, nu va mai putea fi acceptat pe viitor. Deci nu incalcati regulile.
4: Managerii au dreptul de a descalifica pe oricine fara a da explicatii.
3: Managerii si Proprietarii au dreptul de a face schimbari in ce privesc regulile si cerintele pe durata campaniei. Urmariti acest thread pentru a ramane inoformati.
4. Managerii si proprietarii nu vor fi responsabili daca omiteti actualizarile si datorita acestori actulizari nu primiti stake-uri.
Timeline:Programul de recompense va incepe Joi, 15 Mai 2018. Deci fiecare saptamana se finalizeaza in fiecare Luni. Programul va rula pana la finalizarea ICO.
Dovada Autenticitatii:
Pentru a prevenii trisorii si cei ce fac spamm, furand alte continuturi ca mai apoi sa aplice in program su intrari diferite, inseland astfel sa Prgramul, noi cerem tuturor participantilor sa posteze o dovada a autenticitatii in acest thread si sa copieze linkul postarii lor. Vei fi solicitat sa trimiti dovada autenticitatii in momentul in care aplici pentru programul de recompense.Recompense Social Media
Budget: 20% of the total Bounty Pool will be allocated for Social Media Campaign bounties which will be divided equally Between Facebook and Twitter Bounties.
Platiile vor fi dupa cum urmeaza: 200 to 500 Followers: 5 Stakes pe Saptamana pentru Fiecare User Valid de Twitter si Facebook
501 to 1000 Followers: 10 Stakes Pe Saptamana pentru Fiecare User Valid de Twitter si Facebook
1000 to 3000 Followers: 20 Stakes Pe Saptamana pentru Fiecare User Valid de Twitter si Facebook
3000 to 10000 Followers: 40 Stakes pe Saptamana pentru Fiecare User Valid de Twitter si Facebook
10000 an More Followers: 80 Stakes Pe Saptamana pentru Fiecare User Valid de Twitter si Facebook
Cum sa aplici: Pentru Twitter: Urmareste Pagina Oficiala de Twitter Handle: Completeaza acest formular: da retweet si like la toate postarile in mod regulat.
Pentru Facebook: Da like la Pagina Oficiala de Facebook Fanpage: acest formular: distribuie si da Like la toate noutatile in mod regulat.
Spreadsheet (both): Termeni si conditii:1: Twitter and Facebook Accounts must have a Minimum of 200 Followers/Friends.
2: Twitter/Facebook accounts must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted.
3: You must be an active and regular twitter user, and must be retweeting/sharing CryptoRiya's official tweets and updates.
4: Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. Users found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
5: A user can participate in both campaigns at the same time. or can participate in one campaign only.
5: Owners and Managers have the right to change the rules, or apply more and do any other reasonable changes in this bounty (Including payment structure and amount)
6: Do not post any weekly reports in this thread. we'll check your work by ourselvesBlog/Media Bounty
CryptoRiya Will Reward Experienced Writers who write quality Reviews, Articles About "CryptoRiya" Project, and the ICO crowdsale. Additionally discussing about the "CryptoRiya" participation opportunity in their blogs, Websites, Forums and Sources.
CryptoRiya Will Reward Experienced Video Editors who Create Quality Video Reviews, Presentations, Investment Instruction about the "CryptoRiya" Project and it’s Tokensale.
Budget:20% of total the Bounty Pool will be allocated for Blog and Media Bounty Participants.
We’ll Divide all Videos and Blog/Articles in 3 Categories and will reward them as follows
High Quality: 100 Stakes
Good Quality: 70 Stakes
Normal Quality: 40 Stakes
How to Participate? Write your Article, Reviews, or Create Your Video and Submit your Entry Using the form Below:
Fill the form: is the list of all blogs and videos: Terms, Rules and Conditions: 1: Low Quality and Copy Paste Articles and Videos are not Accepted.
2: Article and Videos Must Be genuine. Copying other’s content, articles or ripping off stuff is not allowed. (You can use official Images, Logos, Graphics posted in the CryptoRiya's website, ANN thread, facebook and Twitter)
3: Article Must be Longer than 500 Characters, less than 500 Characters will not be accepted.
4: Video Must be at least 1:30 Minute Long. shorter than that will not be accepted.
5: Article Must have 2 Links of Official Website: and a link of the Whitepaper: and one link of your own Bitcointalk Profile in bottom of your article to Proof your authorship.
6: In description of Video you must have one link of your official website, one link link of whitepaper and one link of your own bitcointalk profile to proof your authorship.
7: Medium, Steemit, Newbium, and other general/free blogging platforms are allowed but only One Post of a Person will be accepted in those platforms.
8: and 3 Posts Articles will be accepted in .com .net .org and other premium websites and blogs,
9: Manager and the Owners will have the rights to change any rules, or make any changes if necessary. (including payment structure and amount)
10: Add your Wallet Address at the end of Your Article or Video Description to help us prevent the scammers to stealing your rewards.Translation and Moderation Bounty:
Budget: 20% of total bounty pool.Payment will be as follows:Whitepaper translation: 500 stakes
ANN Thread and Bounty thread translation: 150 stakes
Moderation: 5 stakes for each post (only OP)
To reserve a language please post your interest with some of your previous translation work.
After finishing your translation, fill in this form with your translation and other details:
Form: and Terms:1: Translations must be original, using any kind of tools such as Google are not allowed. If found the translator will be blacklisted.
2: ANN thread translator will be responsible for the moderation as well (we have additional rewards for moderation). The translator must keep the thread active by translation of official announcements, news, posts.
3: We do not need any Single Post Dead Thread. If you failed to keep the thread active and up to date, your reward can be reduced to 50% of the actual payment or you could simply be disqualified.
4: Increasing the moderation post count by spam posts, posting false posts or paying other to ask questions in your thread is not allowed.
5: Newbies i.e. users with no previous experience of translation will not be accepted. Always ask before beginning translation and post your previous translation work.
6: Manager and owners reserve the rights to add rules, or do any kind of reasonable changes.
Signature and Avatar Campaign:Spread the word by adding our Signature and Avatar in your profile, and Earn "CryptoRiya" Tokens as your bounty Reward.
Payment: 30% of total Bounty Budget will be Allocated for Signature
Payment will be based on weekly stakes:
Jr Member: 7 Stakes/Week
Member: 15 Stakes/Weeks
Full Member: 30 Stakes/Week
Sr Member: 50 Stakes/Week
Hero and Legendary: 80 Stakes/Week
Full Member and Up will be Rewarded with 5 Additional Stakes for Wearing Avatar
Rules, Terms Conditions:1: Keep the signature until the end of the Campaign. Removing a signature in the middle of campaign will disqualify you.
2: You must do a minimum 10 posts per week. less than 10 posts will not be counted.
3: Posts must be constructive and On-topic. Spamming, low quality posts, copy paste and off topic posts will not be counted.
4: Eligible posts must be 75 Character Long. Posts shorter than 75 Character will not be counted.
5: Payment will be done once at the End of the token sale.
6: Keep your signature till spreadsheet updated with your final post count (allow at least one week to count posts) Removing a signature before post count will simply disqualify you.
7: Newbies are not allowed to Join.
8: owners and managers save the rights to apply new rules, change rules and do any other reasonable changes if necessary (including payment amount and structure)
9: to Help us to prevent Scammers stealing your rewards. you must add your wallet address in your bitcointalk profile (in other info section). Join:Add Signature and Avatars of Your Profile rank and fill the form below:
Joining Form:
Jr Member:
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Full Member:
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Sr Member:
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Hero and Legendary
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████████████████[/td][td][center][color=#003399][b]15[sup]th[/sup] May[/color][/center]
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Cryptoriya Telegram Bounty
We are looking for more and more Readers. Followers and Contributors for Our Upcoming Token Crowd-sale event, and for early supporters we have a lot of bounties , rewards and Bonus... Join our Telegram group today. be a part of the largest Cryptocurrency Platfrom and Earn bonus reward. Payment will be paid along with all other bounties.
Join and Apply:Join Telegram:
Apply using form below:
Spreadsheet: of Bounty will be fixed to pay all eligible and active telegram bounty participants.
Requirements to get paid:1: You must join the Telegram group and stay there till the end of Crowdsale.
1: an at least 2 month old bitcointalk, twitter or reddit (or 2 month older account in any social platform)
2: an ethereum wallet to receive your tokens (only use a wallet address of which you have private key or a ERC20 Toke supported wallet)
Rules:1: User must stay on the group till the end of crowdsale.
2: User must be active and supportive in the group. inactive users can get 50% less payrate or can be simply disqualified.
3: Using bad language, spamming, advertising any other service in InvestFeed groups not allowed.
4: Asking Bounty Related Questions are not allowed in Official Telegram Group. breaking this rule can simply disqualify you from the bounty program with no warning.
5: Only one account on each platform allowed. a person found to be cheating by creating multiple accounts will be disqualified.
6: Having a 2 month older bitcointalk, twitter, facebook or reddit account is mandatory.. using brand new accounts of these platforms will not be accepted.