We're looking to hire someone who can post our articles onto multiple cryptocurrency-related subreddits.
Currently, we have 5 Reddit accounts that we're able to provide, we're looking for someone who can purely focus on posting our articles onto the chosen Subreddits that we pick,
on a daily basis.If you cannot provide DAILY work, please do not contact us.
If you cannot work every day (minimum 5-6 days a week), do not contact us.
We're looking for someone who is serious about the job and will not let us down.
On average, you will make 25-50 posts a day, swapping between 5 seperate accounts.
If done correctly, you can complete this daily task within 1-2 hours.
You will be paid 1,500ADM per week
(0.6 ETH equivalent).Your first full payment will be sent after you can demonstrate that you're able to complete the work for us (2-3 days of work).
If you're interested, please leave a comment on this thread with your Telegram username, and send me a message on Telegram: @Azza1070
Thank you.
- Aaron