I propose to discuss the criteria for preliminary assessment of the prospect of coin in their design description - the presence of key links and text.
This rating is for initial evaluation only.
The rating will be automatically calc and will allow, among other things, to track changes in the work on the coin.
Raiting under constraction.
Raiting will be using on the channels NewCoins / CryptoTeam (discussion
Examples calculation by raiting (alpha-version):
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4413923.0tags "b5 link5 premine algo blocktime reward procent github github.releases telegram discord twitter pool"
raiting = 23
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4369495.0tags "b5 link5 roadmap reward procent img github github.releases ex mn coinindex discord twitter facebook"
raiting = 62
remark: "ex mn coinindex" +40 - see in categoris
The calculation is made by categories and evaluation criteria with scoring.
List of criteries:
# Development plans
Contains fragment of text:
* "roadmap" +1
* ".pdf" +4
- reference to whitepaper or other similar documents
* "idea" +1
* "premine" +1
* "algo" +1
* "block time" +1
* "reward" +1
* "xx%" +1
- ususaly used for information about ROI, premine and other
* "Qx" +1
- examples "Q1" "Q2" "Q3" "Q4" - Quarters in roadmap
# Mining
* Any pool +2
* Popular pool (gos.cx, angrypool, arcpool,..) +2
* Explorer +4
* Github +2
* Github/releases +2
# Decoration
* Contains image +4
* Any link +1
* Count any link >=3 +1
* Count any link >=5 +1
* Count tags "<b>" or "<i>" >=3 +1
* Count tags "<b>" or "<i>" >=5 +1
- if count tags 5 = +1 +1 = +2
- if count any links 5 = +1 +1 +1 = +3
# Social link
* Twitter +1
* Facebook +1
* Discord +3
* Telegram +2
* Youtube +6
# Exchanges/MN/Index
* Exchange +20
* MN +10
* Coin Index +10
- example Coinmarketcap
Remark: only for direct adresses with coin name, example "