If you urgently needed to change your citizenship, which country would you choose to buy citizenship in and why?
So, I'm assuming you are rich, i.e., well-endowed in US Dollars or their internationally usable equivalents.
btw if you are poor, just get into Germany or Canada and claim asylum on whatever pretext could most easily apply to your individual instance.
If you are rich, there are any number of tax havens where all you need is a good immigration consultant. Within 4 to 6 months you will be a citizen and enjoying visa free travel to 120+ countries around the world.
If you are stuck up on the USA, you can invest a couple of million dollars and get an EB5, that's the in vogue thing at the moment. If you invest more, perhaps 5 or 10 million dollars, you will get US citizenship within a few years. But do remember, lots of Americans are giving up US citizenship and becoming citizens of tax havens.
With an investment of 300k Canadian Dollars and personal resources of 600k CAD, you can become a permanent resident of Canada, and a citizen after 4 years.
If you marry an American citizen, there's an I-130 (capital i -130) visa you can get within one or two months, and smooth citizenship thereafter, assuming your marriage stays intact.