Is there any exact date or even month when this should happen? If I have understood it correctly, it should happen at the end of next year (Dec 2012?), has anyone calculated on a more accurate date?
Its nearly impossible to quote accurately right now, as we get closer quotes will become more accurate. If more miners come into the system it will be shorter (more than 6 blocks an hour are generated for a few days till the difficulty adjusts) and vice versa if more leave, of course the same amount of coins will be generated no matter what, but since we can not estimate how miners will enter or leave the system over the next year or so any estimate could be as much as a couple of months off depending on events between then and now.
Block 210000.
That's in 64.3k blocks, so at 6*24 = 144 blocks/day, we'll be there in about 450 days or ~15 months.
So December 2012 is a accurate estimation then.
Lol, coincidence, I think not.
If you google it you will see that most people quote different months. That is a LOL
Have you lost fiat money on Bitcoins?
I got rid of (most of) my fiat if that's what you mean. But I don't think it was 'lost'.
So you are (almost) fully invested in BTC? If so, what do you think of the last months downturn? When will it return up?
The last months downturn is the result of the speculators leaving the market for one of two reasons.
1) They realized that their 'get rich quick' scheme was going to take a while to develop and decided not to stay in for the long haul.
2) Many people feel that Bitcoin is 'stagnating' simply because the community has run out of shiny new products and ideas to wave in their face every day... mainly because people are now working to turn those products and ideas into reality.