Website :
https://mycryptobank.ioTwitter : : : : : : : : Thread : : Description
MyCryptoBank will represent a typical bank with
the whole range of services but loyal to cryptocurrency
and the cryptocommunity.
In other words, MyCryptoBank — is an online bank allowing any client
performing a full range of bank operations, added by operations
with cryptocurrencies such as: payment processing, debit cards,
credits and cheap investment products. It’s also possible to use
cryptoassets as credit security. All these services will be available
for clients without any bank office visits.
So, MyCryptoBank provides services of client’s remote access to accounts, products and bank
services and allows performing all bank operations. MyCryptoBank offers its clients a multifunctional
platform of banking service, which represents a hybrid system combining digital including
cryptographic and traditional currencies. The use of digital currencies makes operations faster
and cheaper, while traditional currencies guarantee practically all-round acceptance and validity.
One account combination allows clients simultaneously using advantages of both types
of currencies.
MyCryptoBank will become a fully digital bank, accessible all over the world and at any moment.
It will conduct all functions of a typical bank but without any bank departments and front-offices
maximum relying on new digital technologies. This will allow MyCryptoBank to become one
of the most inexpensive banks in the world with a very profitable level of cost-to-profit ratio.
The main way to get profit by the bank will be fee for operations performed, which will be applied
in case of internal operations realization, such as conversion, internal cryptocurrency exchange,
cryptocurrency withdrawal, fund transfer. Maximum fee volume charged by the bank for holders
of tokens will not be more than 1%.
Fee size and also other service conditions will be dependent on account state and account turnover.
Clients will be assigned Standard, Silver, Gold or Platinum status depending on token quantity,
which they hold.
Below, a detailed range of planned services is shown.