That's a great explanation. I'm no blockchain expert, as everyone here knows, but when I hear stuff like "blockchain and medicine" it makes me think of ICO claims that can't be fulfilled. The medical records aspect of medicine does indeed sound like it could lend itself to a blockchain solution. Makes me wonder about patient confidentiality and hacking, but again I'm just having those thoughts as a non-expert in crypto. Edit: I'm not talking about hacking as though bitcoin could be hacked; I'm talking about people with the information getting their computers hacked, just like bitcoin owners have.
remember. the database is not stored in one location. its in multiple clinics/ hositals in multiple regions. so no one can (excuse the pun) doctor the records.
as for how the records get into a block. imagine a blood test result is not simply added as a tx signed by 1 doctor. but instead relayed out and requires upto 5 doctors/signatures... great.. automatic 'second/third opinion' EG lab tech in region A. blood/haemotologist specialist in region B and then the patients family physician(GP) which increases accuracy of diagnoses due to second/third opinions.
whereby that data is not stored in clear text but encrypted using the keys of upto 5 people
lab tech,
blood specialist.
patients physician
patients closest hospital
now a hacker would need to have both/atleast 2 keys to unencrypt the data.
also the "computer" (node) does not need to be a standard PC but a secured device in a lockbox (aeroplane black box idea(extra strong lockbox for a raspbery Pi)) that is tamper proof unless you physically got hold of it and broke it open to then .. as i said still need the 2 of 5 private keys just to viw that data of that specific result..
I would love for there to be some sort of revolution in Africa. A large part of the continent has been living in the tribal ages and doesn't seem to have evolved much. Sure they have cell phones, but they also have dirt roads and kill people in the streets with impunity--kind of like some countries in South America. Most of that has to do with government, but those countries need to move forward. I don't know of there's a blockchain solution, or even if it could help at all, but it'd be nice.
i think you have been reading too many fox news reports. things have moved on since the emotional OXFAM videos of the 1980's where you see crying babies starving, where oxfam never actually bothered to answer the question.. if it takes12 hours to walk to clean water, why do thy not just camp at the clean water.(have a deep thought about that question)
if you had to walk 6 hours to work.. 6 hours from work.. you would end up selling your home(more specifically pack up your tent) and move camp next to your work, right?
what is not shown is a high majority of these oxfam appeals, if the camera's just turned 180 degree's would see that these shanty towns border large cities where people are forced out of the city due to high rents. and usually waiting hours in a queue for the water truck..
instead they video people using local rivers(making it seem only the rivers are available and those rivers are dozens of miles away, to play on our heart strings)
aftr all would you donate if the camera panned around and seed a skyscaper just 1 mile away. nope. so oxfam set a scene that wells are needed so that oxfam can make money making the wells and save money by not needing to daily deliver watr trucks to the homeless on the outskirts of cities
remember the 1980's tear jerking charity drives for ethiopia.. then check out this image
https://cms.qz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/addislandscape.jpgalso the shanty towns further into the deserts/jungles (where you see the guys with guns) are usualy villages set up temporarily for gold mining and or nature preserves where the blockades you see are the land owners making sure their land is protected from uninvited miners/animal poachers.
they chose to be there.
after all.. is sandy desert or tree's something worth shooting ovr. nope.. but valuable land suh as gold plots. and endangrd animals ned to be protected. they dont have guns and live in the wild for no reason.
these people do have access to vehicles and guns so a cell phone to receive a text about if they are diabetic.. is not much of a stretch
(might be worth you researching M-pesa as their cross border/local electronic payment system)
as for the area's that are "tribal" and not evolved. have made the conscious choice to avoid evolving. (like some Amish/indian comunities) they infact even avoid modern healthcare and still believe in only using their shamen healers.. to which i say. allow them to heal themselves in they ways they believe