Thanks for letting me post with your avatar, signature & personal message displayed for 9 days knowing you weren’t going to accept me in this campaign.
Free advertising wankers!
This is gold. I remember DeathAngel from the start.
His first post : He said he wanted to apply, but didn't want to give free advertising to sportsbet, and when jeremypwr indirectly called him out on it, he edited his first message to remove that part.
His second post : He reposted his interest in the campaign, and called the campaign manager "jeremy", to which he replied that people who call him that have less chances to be accepted, and he edited his post replacing "jeremy" with "sir".
I legit can't stop laughing right now, don't be salty. You started with a bad hand, you should have just folded, but you went all-in and you obviously didn't get what you wanted, don't be a sore loser!