This guide is for the people who tried this method and now soloing maxcoin on there cloudfarm.
So if you''ve got past the steps into the link above to the point you cannot come any further i help you out here.
Step1: Make an account on Make an working under Maxcoin ( This pool has a default of Primecoin ) It should look like this: Username MAX_1 Password
Step3: Go turn on putty and fire up that terminal
Step4: Run Wine (sudo apt-get install wine)
Step5: Type this in the command line "wget"
Step6: Type "sudo unzip"
Step7: Type this one next "wine64 xptMiner.exe -o -u username.workname -p password -t 4" and if you made your worker on the pool it should join the pool and mine maxcoins the -t 4 stands for the amount of threads using so if you''re using 8 cores then you need to fill in 8.
Wish you the best of luck mining this coin and if i were helpfull to you, you can always leave a small donation: 1PFoGQQcgh3iQvutXqxkmWK31R2pvwaSj6
Thank you all and greetings.