it's so awesome that everyone's head is in order that people don't even need shrooms anymore. and went so far as to make them ILLEGAL
it boggles the mind
we must be living in paradise!!
Because the government thinks you're a moron. They have this idea of a model citizen and try to shape you to be one, and a model citizen can't blow off steam on his own, he has to use their alcohol (that's why you can't moonshine),and their drugs (kaffeine). You make your own, you go to jail, son!
so the solution is to make our own alchocol?
my family owns around 6-7 plums, we make brandy from it
it's kind of a region thing here, almost every 3rd guy from Slavonia in Croatia makes his own brandy especially in rural areas
Yeah heard of it, they also make it in Czech and Slovakia, called slivovica. They used to make it illegally but I heard it was then classified as natural medicine.
I know people who made alcohol for years, it's forbidden and you can even go to jail for selling home made alcohol but nobody ever cared. I had the pleasure to try regional specialities like moonshine, mead and walnut liqueur.
what makes moonshine so special? the dangerous impurities?
Officially that it's not checked by authorities, so it can even be deadly (if they add methanol). It used to be a problem, especialy in Russia. They were stealing methanol from paint factories, filtering it and mixing with spirits. Real moonshine, if made properly, can be purer than factory made liquor.
Unofficially alcohol companies want the market to be as small as possible, so they pressure government to fight moonshiners. Have you ever thought why there are so many wineries and so little destilleries, even though it's easier to make spirits than wine?