Would you off a discount for 5 paid up front?
We would love to offer a bulk discount. For us the discount starts at 144+ units. Our current capacity is around 12 hosted units. The math really isn't there.
For .45
BTC you are getting:
90 days of hosting
Device management
Hash-rate monitoring with charts
Uptime monitoring
Free electricity under or overclocked
Three available Data-Centers for redundancy
Battery/Surge protection on power
80Plus PSU's for the devices
Decades of combined experience in equipment hosting
Centuries of combined experience in electronics engineers in case the device breaks
Shipping and Receiving
Device sales assistance to get you the maximum price at the end of the term
ROI analysis to find the best replacement device at the end of the term.
Honestly I'm not sure that .45B covers electric, cooling and bandwidth at the current prices?