(" We-Coin ") - A Bit/Altcoin Entrepreneurs Collective, and the opportunity of a lifetime.
Well, we are well into 2014, and the concept of Bitcoin is starting to be adopted all over the world. Think Mexico, Canada and select USA stores that have already adopted Bitcoin. We are likely to see a lot more following their lead in the near future. However, with the market's volatility it's important to invest wisely to make profit.
What I have here is not some new bogus Altcoin, or some waste of time click a button and earn 0.00001 bitcoin an hour. It is a community, that works a little different. Essentially, you can make as much bitcoin as you want just by recruiting your friends to the forum.
To break it down,
1. You pay $50 USD to whoever recruited you; if you are reading this that that would be me, for example. This also gives you access to the forums and the community.
2. You can then recruit AS MANY OF YOUR FRIENDS AS YOU WANT. Each of them pay YOU $50 USD worth of Bitcoin. They then gain the same opportunity you did.
If you're like me, you're already looking at this with skepticism. Completely understandable. Know that I am not here to trick anyone. I'm an honest person, and that having been said all of these statistics will be maintained PUBLIC on the forum. You may also think that this scenario sounds familiar, where have I heard this before. That's because likely it is, and likely you have. Many other questionable companies have followed this model, and chances are you've been approached by a friend at some point selling some energy drink and offering some sort of membership. That would work a lot like this, except for the fact that those companies already have ridiculous amounts of members, and greedy people at the top of the company taking a percentage of all the money coming in.
THIS IS BRAND NEW, recruiting people will be EASY. Especially on the internet. Especially in this community. And furthermore, who AM I to take that money from you. You earned it, you keep it. All of it. And bring in as many friends/acquaintances as you want, earning that $50USD each time.
Hopefully by this point you're starting to see some potential in this. You're next question might be, if this all works, what happens if the community gets so big that there's no one left to recruit. Very good question. And I have a very honest answer. Many years from now, the community will fall apart. Like a tower built too large, it will eventually collapse. However, the amount of people using bitcoin, and the ease of recruiting on the internet, thats not likely to happen anytime in the next 5 years. Who's to say what can happen in 5 years? And that's if tomorrow morning I wake up and have 10,000 registered. It won't happen.
In addition to having the opportunity to make easy money, you will also have access to forums where you can chat with other members about anything you want! Since the community is brand new there is an exclusiveness to it. Share your arbitrage ideas, and team up with others with whatever you need.
IN OTHER WORDS, you have as long as you basically want to
MAKE GOOD, HONEST MONEY. And you can join a pretty cool forum. I need moderators, graphic designers, so on and so forth. Once things take off, these
positions could very well be paid by forum donations.So please. Check us out. Let me know what you think..
http://wecoin.freeforums.org/(I'm getting a real domain name soon)
Also feel free to pre-register at:
http://wecoin.freeforums.org/Any Questions?