Attraction of sellers:
5% – 75 000 ATEC (~ 5 625 USD)
Is this a referral program? What is its essence?
Yes, it's referral program. The main goal is to attract new stores and sellers to the Alphateca platform.
You will receive the following rewards for attraction:
- Attract a seller – 7 EUR
- Attract a store – 20 EUR
You can write @rsmetankina on Telegram to get more details.
Good conditions, I think that those who have a powerful information resource can earn a lot on this program.
You can use any method of communication to attract people. Email, calls, personal acquiantance, social networks.
All necessary materials are prepared for your convenience: video clips, presentations, whitepaper, banners, call scripts.
If all the necessary material is already ready, then this greatly simplifies the further work in this campaign.