I think this is really a nice initiative. This need to be done as to get the dividend is the right of the investors. They cannot play with the money or fate of the investors. Since they are not giving any profit so the investors need to meet the founders to find out the problem and to come to a conclusion.
Thank you.
Apollo18's goal is to be as transparent as possible. As ICOs are a very shady space, we want to present that we have a *REAL* product with WORKING tech. Our competitors that use gimmicks like "mobile units" or "mountains in Kazakhstan" are promising unrealistic numbers. Our numbers are backed up by real data and will be available in the user dashboard for investors to review as the ICO draws closer.
What is this real product? What does the product do? What is this working tech? Hope it's ok for me to ask these questions and I also wouldn't mind honest responses to my questions. Thank you!
The real product is the hash power behind the mines. We view it as a "safer" investment because of the tangible asset behind it. If mining fails, we have parts that have resale value (not paperwei..er..ASICs).
The product mines the most profitable coins and converts them to Ethereum. The Ethereum will be distributed to token holders via smart contract.
Of course it is okay to ask questions. We encourage as many questions as possible. Please let me know if these responses answer your questions.