Helbiz is not like Uber, to me it will be more massive than any car system that has ever existed. I'm certain it won't fail because it has some huge team members, people like 1 CEO of skril,Neteller 2 Ethereum co-founder 3. Alphabit co-founder 4. Royal yatch company and so on won't drag their name into a project that will fail. Everybody that is in the team/ partners are big guns
They might have all the fancy names on their team but that doesn't mean the product will automatically become successful. Without actual customers, they're as good as nothing. It would be great if you can bring some logic to the table.
Moreso, Helbiz is not a taxi service or anything close to that. Helbiz is a seamless peer to peer car rental service which allows you to rent a car instantly with a single click of your mobile phone or if you are a car owner, you can rent out your car without even any manual contact with the rental. All will be done seamlessly with the application.
Your project will fail if I don't like to rent my car. Why would someone? Blockchain isn't gonna help if the car is rented out by cool junkie kids and is returned with drugs lying everywhere in the back seat.
Helbiz will beon track within a month that the operation starts and the real value will start showing.
Helbiz will launch in LA in this July. Don't be left out. It's a risk worth taking and it's damn cheap at the moment... Success is guaranteed
Stop blindly shilling for them. At this point, it looks like you're trying to create a fake hype.