I cannot for the life of me pull any more than about 365kh/s from either of my AMD 6950s - one's a 2GB Sapphire card, and the other a 1GB Visiontek card.
My clocks are 750MHz and 950MHz for the GPU and VRAM, respectively, and haven't found any clocks that work any better after consulting
http://litecoin.info/index.php/Mining_hardware_comparison, even when tweaking CGminer's settings. Higher clocks always result in lower hashrates, typically 300-320kh/s. I'm currently using the following flags:
-g 1 --thread-concurrency 8000 -w 256 -I 19
CGminer is version 3.7.2, using Catalyst version 13.12.
If any more information is needed, I would be happy to provide it. Thanks for any insight.