I am honestly a little relived that all of the issues at Mt. Gox are coming to the surface. For Bitcoin to be taken seriously we need to weed out the weaknesses. Silk Road was a problem. With it gone Bitcoin is better off. Mt. Gox was a problem. It if is gone hopefully better more professional exchanges will come along and just help Bitcoin grow that much more.
It was all a matter of time. Of course I hope that most Bitcoin users do not lose trust in Bitcoin and that the funds and Bitcoins are returned at some point. That is the biggest issue in all of this.
Silk Road is up and running, but what was the problem with it? Bitcoin probably wouldn't be where it's at today without it. In fact, I heard about Bitcoin through the media coverage of Silk Road.
Bitcoin being used primarily for nefarious purposes taints it as being legitimate. I am sure the price it has reached was on the coattails of drugs and porn, but is that really a good thing? I believe that the world would be a much better place without drugs and pornography but I know many of you do not agree with that statement.
I completely agree it is wonderful to see the weeds being plucked from Bitcoin's beautiful garden.
Looking intensely at the statistics, a small fraction of Bitcoin was used for less that appropriate purposes. The primary value rise has been from international investors looking to buy in while the price is still low. I agree with estimates that state upwards of 95% of all current Bitcoiners use and see Bitcoin as a legitimate business transaction tool.
Also in other great news Bitcoin is not a publicly utilized device yet (domestically & globally speaking). As we see more legitimate purpose and acceptance of the wonderful technology that is Bitcoin (& cryptocurrency) the value will rise, and rise. Speculation will cause much less effect on BTC inherent values.
Current price fluctuations are really just a side-effect of some market manipulation, some speculation, and the essence of Bitcoin becoming a stronger, lively being. Being may be an overstatement but Bitcoin is certainly in its youth at this point.
Just growing pains. The future is very bright!
(watch in a few years when nations begin to convert their own currencies to cryptocurrency varieties).