Wednesday 25 july 2018 spent half the day recovering from norro. Did think about and come up with a way to integrate hashing and redcode, kinda already had this idea but now understand better why this is important

Thursday 26 july 2018 feeeeeeeling much better ! =D Riding the heat wave currently, 29.5 degree celcius indoors, expecting 35 degrees to hit this afternoon and evening, fortunately high up in the sky and slightly little breeze is blowing which makes it kinda nice ! =D Ordered 3 fans, 2 were in stock, 1 has to be delivered from manufacturer and this is delaying the whole order (first I ordered 2, then decided to go for 3, me a bit unlucky there

but eventually it will hopefully work out =D these very nice standing fans with loads of airflow, must have them for kicks

also getting slightly worried about high-rise-buildings and such oh yeah.), fortunately the air is breathyl and not as bad as it was a few days, guess this little wind is quite nice and causing some better/fresh air. I am having a fun day now that I through everything open and discovered to my pleasent surprise this cool breeze of air lol, do have two fans blowing back the shitty air from the front, but maybe not even necessary though it does help... I'll very glad when I am completely back on the horse/saddle and being more productive yeah, though thinking important too. Seems like today will be the day when I climb back on the crypto-dev-saddle ! LOL. To be continued... I wish all of you a nice summer or winter where ever you are !
This coin system is mostly being designed to thwart the attempts of asic and maybe even gpu mining, but not so much pool mining and compute cluster mining, might consider implementing something to thwart those too... for now I'll be happy if this system gets down some day in some kind of initial form... but for now back to underlying block chain tech to make it a bit more understandable and better and then back to this project possibly

(Also read a bit about spectre RSB attack, return stack buffer or something like that... interesting to read when I have "free" time in bed or so

I like printing out documents like that, it's quite historic in a way

stuff of sci-fiction almost =D It's like a thriller for computer programmers

As they would say in USA... "It's a heat, but it's a dry heat" ! LOL. I think I understand now, it's not so moisty/dempth... dry heat is kinda nice though, at least less sweaty. Hmm I have a humidty reader for this totally forgot to watch it lately... humidity is 38%... feels quite nice. Yeah this meter does show a clear drop in humidity, last few 4 days it was between 40 and 60%, now it seems to have dropped below 40%.
Oh yeah, today is going to be a TEST OF HEAT. This will seperate the cows from the cowboys ! LOL.
I feel confident that my more than 10 year old system is up for the task at hand ! =D I am so glad I have antec 1200 case system... it's holding up quite nicely... did have to spin up the motherboard fan manually though (I do that just in case

tiny little motherboard fan pretty much no match for antec 1200 cooling power.. it's probably not doing much but still

), it doesn't spin up lately by itself but that's ok.

(What's kinda weird on this picture is it does not show my second hard drive ? a data drive, perhaps it's spindled down/sleep mode... a bit weird.).
I used windows explorer on that drive to see if it would be added seems so... gonna make a screenshot of it... just to get that harddisk information on this screenshot as well, might come in handy some day for boot order determination or other uses) (seems to be a slight bug in hardware monitor does not show HDD name/info, oh well might have to update this tool sometime):
Oh boy oh boy do I have a surprise for you: SURPRISE ! missing HD right there ! LOL... still somewhat in stealth mode cause of missing hd info... *the humor is high with this one*:

(Even more strange is that this missing drive is actually my system drive C: ! LOL oh man this is one weird hardware monitor tool... just windows weirdness I guess... I can handle the weirdness for now... used to it

(Strangely enough my webhost or web browser firefox can't handle this link: kinda funny... discover someting new every day !

too much complexity for such a thing to not occur

) argh argh haha):,%20input%20fans%20at%2075%25%20setting.pngSeems webserver can't handle it though... not sure if this is according to the specs... Apperently I am pushing these systems a little bit too much... oh poor little weak systems (can't handle a bit of description in the filename... don't worry... for my and your historic pleasures I have embedded the text into the picture as shown already =D...) argh argh =D
Today I am very glad with my relatively low heat/passively cooled GT 520 lol. Though there are probably better graphics chips out there that run even at lower wattages, but with also 1 GB of ram ? hmm...
Ambient temperature just rose 0.5 degree... to 31 degrees celcius... exciting heat day today ! =D My antec 1200 and system build still has 33% additional cooling capacity from exhaust fans... and 25% cooling capacity from inlet fans... can it handle the rest of the day ?! =D Will be keeping an eye on temperatures ! LOL... only some web tabs open... ! Love that site.
As long as temperatures stay below 50 to 55 degree celcius everything will be just fine. If it goes above 55 degrees celcius system will auto-power-down.... very nice overheat protection !

Though ofcourse I'd rather avoid it and thus increase cooling power if necessary !

=D (Forgot exact power off setting, I think it was 55 degrees celcius yeah... 60 is a bit much... so I probably set it to 55 as usual a long time ago.).
Nice to see harddisk temperatures holding up well too... this is ofcourse the most important part of any system (containing important information !

It's also kinda interesting to note how my PC seems to be behaving slightly different because of this massive summer heatwave... it failed to attach a filedisk image properly... usually it's one of the other ones from time to time, this time it was my music file disk image... no problem re-attaching... but sometime must have changed during the booting... slightly different timings... causing different effects !
Hmm airplane passengers may be at risk if planes starting behaving slightly different too then pilots are used too... much interesting insight

the risk of dieing in a plane crash is now probably just 0.001% (just based on computers/software no accounting for other heat related factors (!)) (one airport was actually shut down though, runway cracking up/sweating under heat...) higher but still =D enjoy your flights ! =D
Meanwhile some roads are being covered with salt, to prevent them from melting and same for car tires ! =D too funny.
Tomorrow will be another hot day here in THE NETHERLANDS ! =D
And then some more cool downs ! LOL.
Oh yeah the risk is real, I re-attached the wrong music file disk image haha an old one, instead of the new one, if I were a pilot I might have crashed by now ! LOL. Now the proper file disk image mounted ! LOL.
(Some weird vhdattach bug or windows bug doesn't list the drive letter, so two music disks were attached, only one was visible, but now the correct one is visible... yeah with 100.000 operating system bugs, something is gonna fuck up once in a while hehe). What's even more scary is I only noticed this because I couldn't find something which was more recent haha... fortunately both music disks already fulll... I could have ended up using the wrong one though if it wasn't full... though unlikely... does show how dangerous using file disk images can be if inserting the wrong one, must play more close attention to this and must find a better storage ordering of files, should remove older folders to their own special archive folder or something, but for now gonna let it be... not risking a disk movement bug or fuck up haha... Gotta get a new system first !

=D That will be sometime until amd chipset backdoors and specte processor bugs are fixed, this could become an eternal wait though. Maybe a new company will rise to power and sell "secure" low processing speeds processors instead of current highly unreliable ?! JUNK ?!
My bet is it won't be long before the "bitcoin community/world" starts demanding it... demand will become high for these kinds of more secure more reliable systems !

Kinda funny though to see the evolution of my music download/collection. Ok enough of this stuff, on with the world !

Wow the weather is pretty crazy right now:
1. First of all my bed is being warmed up by the hot air lol.
but what is even more crazy:
2. There is now slowly a storm building as predicted, but this is the first "warm" storm" I have ever witnessed and felt in my life ! =D
A warmy stormy wind... like tropical storm or something ! LOL. This swamp land turning into jungle land ?! maybe paradise land with tropical plants like palm trees ?!

WOW paper starting to fly a bit, lol super cartography/super mario mix playing with mario laughing LOL, today I am happy ! =D most be the after-norro effect and after-sweaty-shitty-days-effect lol. Humidity now 33% but I think this will rise soon if it starts to rain... can feel it already becoming more humidid. Yeah it slightly raining, will take a while for the meter to adept to it, probably a warm rain too haha, reminds me of acid for blood of aliens... warm rain yeah. Neh felt it, it still a little bit col

but probably way above normal temperatures for rain !

Meter shut up quite quickly, was kinda enjoying this dry heat... now it s getting sweaty again I think, already 38% humidity... oh it just jumped to %40... arrr... %43
This is a nice extra test to perform on hardware.... quickly fluctuating humidity levels... wonder if hardware is tested for that and if it matters at all... hmmmm... probably rare events but still weather may be changing a bit

Ambient temperature dropped a degree from 31.5 back down to 30.5 degrees... 30 degrees... wonder if we will still reach 35 here today, otherwise maybe tomorrow

I think I will conclude this posting with a possibly new hypothesis about the norro virus:
1. First of all I am kinda of surprised there is no medicine against the norro-virus, especially since close to 1 million dutch people get infected by it each year.
2. Now having experience it myself, I am starting to believe, this virus does more than just make you diaaarreeeya a lot, it might actually reward you for having been it's host. It might be injecting your brain with pleasent chemicals after it almost leaves your body, as a final attempt to try and influence our behaviour and not hate it so much. I did intensely hate this virus when I had it, but now that it's almost over I am having a blast ?!
Is it just me happy to be alive/get rid of it ? Or is there more to it... you be the judge... consider this an x-file ! Also... the lack of medicine does tell you something about the "secret love affair" that medics have with this tiny little cute virus ! LOLOLOL.
18h27 of Thursday 26 july 2018 finished restructuring underlying blockchain technology for most essential parts, circular unit reference problem is now clearly visible but can be disabled so that code is usuable to examine underlying blockchain technology a bit better, however debugging capabilities would require the fixture of these circular unit reference problems, which would be highly desired to fix these.