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Author Topic: [ANN][BURST] Burst | Efficient HDD Mining | New 1.2.3 Fork block 92000  (Read 2171098 times)
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September 14, 2020, 04:30:37 PM

Hello. I apologize for my poor English, I am writing through a translator. As everyone knows, the largest exchange trading Burst is Bittrex. Which September 24, 2020 stops supporting traders (miners, holders) from Ukraine, Belarus, Burundi, Mali, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Panama. The second exchange in terms of Burst trading volume is This exchange does not block users for unknown reasons like Bittrex. I am not for the purpose of advertising the exchange itself, but as a trader who trades burst and who has become a victim of Bittrex's plans to end support for me as a user just because I live in one of the above countries. If you are a miner, holder, or burst trader from the above countries, go to and start trading, walking or just selling your Burst coins. Again, I do not advertise this exchange, I just want Bittrex, which does not care about its customers, to have a serious competitor in terms of Burst trade volumes. Thank.

Bceм пpивeт. Кaк вceм извecтнo caмaя кpyпнaя биpжa тopгyющaя Бypcт этo Биттpeкc. Кoтopaя 24ceнтябpя 2020г. пpeкpaщaeт пoддepжкy тpeйдepoв (мaйнepoв, xoлдepoв) из Ukraine, Belarus, Burundi, Mali, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Panama. Bтopaя биpжa пo oбъёмaм тopгoвли бypcт этo app.stex.coм. Этa биpжa нe блoкиpyeт пoльзoвaтeлeй пo нeпoнятным пpичинaм кaк Биттpeкc.  Я нe в цeляx peклaмы caмoй биpжи, a кaк тpeйдep кoтopый тopгyeт Бypcт и cтaвший жepтвoй плaнoв Биттpeкc o пpeкpaщeнии пoддepжки мeня кaк пoльзoвaтeля тoлькo пoтoмy чтo живy в oднoй из вышe пepeчиcлeнныx cтpaн. Ecли Bы мaйнep, xoлдep, или тpeйдep Бypcт из вышeпepeчиcлeнныx cтpaн, пepexoдитe нa app.stex.coм и нaчинaйтe тopгoвaть, xoлдить или пpocтo пpoдaвaть Baши Бypcт мoнeты. Пoвтopюcь, Я нe peклaмиpyю дaннyю биpжy, пpocтo xoчy чтoбы y Биттpeкc, кoтopoй плeвaть нa cвoиx клиeнтoв, пoявилcя cepьёзный кoнкypeнт пo oбъёмaм тopгoвли Бypcт. Cпacибo.
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September 15, 2020, 05:35:03 AM

Hello. I apologize for my poor English, I am writing through a translator. As everyone knows, the largest exchange trading Burst is Bittrex. Which September 24, 2020 stops supporting traders (miners, holders) from Ukraine, Belarus, Burundi, Mali, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Panama. The second exchange in terms of Burst trading volume is This exchange does not block users for unknown reasons like Bittrex. I am not for the purpose of advertising the exchange itself, but as a trader who trades burst and who has become a victim of Bittrex's plans to end support for me as a user just because I live in one of the above countries. If you are a miner, holder, or burst trader from the above countries, go to and start trading, walking or just selling your Burst coins. Again, I do not advertise this exchange, I just want Bittrex, which does not care about its customers, to have a serious competitor in terms of Burst trade volumes. Thank.

at least it's got cmc page:

dind't hear about bittrex gonna block ukraine and belarus. thanks for the reminder:

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September 15, 2020, 06:46:25 AM

Hello. I apologize for my poor English, I am writing through a translator. As everyone knows, the largest exchange trading Burst is Bittrex. Which September 24, 2020 stops supporting traders (miners, holders) from Ukraine, Belarus, Burundi, Mali, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Panama. The second exchange in terms of Burst trading volume is This exchange does not block users for unknown reasons like Bittrex. I am not for the purpose of advertising the exchange itself, but as a trader who trades burst and who has become a victim of Bittrex's plans to end support for me as a user just because I live in one of the above countries. If you are a miner, holder, or burst trader from the above countries, go to and start trading, walking or just selling your Burst coins. Again, I do not advertise this exchange, I just want Bittrex, which does not care about its customers, to have a serious competitor in terms of Burst trade volumes. Thank.

at least it's got cmc page:

dind't hear about bittrex gonna block ukraine and belarus. thanks for the reminder:
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October 14, 2020, 03:48:39 AM

Come Join Pirate's Weekly Meeting to ask Questions about #BTDEX No Question is a Stupid Question. Come learn #cryptonoobz #HowDoesADexWork #DEX #Atomic #Swaps #smartcontracts $BTC $Burst $TRT $ARRR #Pirate4Life

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April 07, 2021, 07:02:16 PM

slowly crawl up   Tongue
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December 03, 2022, 06:34:16 AM

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January 09, 2023, 08:51:06 PM

Please make your posts on the current thread for BURST. The creator of BURST has long since abandoned this thread, and we do not have access to the account. Therefore, we can't close this thread. All information in the OP of this thread is sorely outdated.

I think you should join forces with the Bitcoin HD (BHD) project.
Inside BHD are now clearly some inexperienced and young guys who need drastic changes.
Perhaps you will rename your brand to BitcoinHD (BHD) and merge. I think it will be a good idea to keep moving forward and become a real competitor to CHIA.

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