Current long term logarithmic trend (from january 2013 to the minimum of SR (30/09/2013) if prolonged for another year bring 5.500 by Ocotber 2014.
This is the bottom of the barrel trend and it is parallel to the main long term trend from the bottom of november 2011 (2.22 $ on Bitstamp) to the current bottom of 510 on Bitstamp.
The main long term trend was a resistance trend before 2013 but was pierced in April 2013.
The it came down, but settled to an higher (intermediate) trend line between the two.
Then the main trend line was pierced again and now it appear to be a support line and no more a resistance line.

The lower trend line point to 5.500 USD/BTC by October 2014
The higher trend line is something like 3 times higher (around 15-16K USD/BTC).
Apart for the technical analysis, there are more fundamentals analysis bullish for Bitcoin exchange rate:
1) The EU is full of rumors (substantiated) of bank bail-ins and bail-outs. Italy not-performing bank loans are at 25%
2) In the US there are movements to make bank withdraws more difficult (Argentina-light)
3) Interest rates of bank accounts are zero or negative (without including inflation)
4) The M1 inflation of USD, €, Yen, Renmimbi (nearly whatever) are higher than the M1 inflation of BTC of at least 3% (for €) or much more (for $).
5) As the adoption increase the price of BTC will be pushed up naturally and no one will be able to produce more BTC. The same is not true with fiat (no increase adoption and printer happy central bankers).
Point 3 and 4 make holding BTC at 0% interest rate as profitable as holding bonds at 3% (denominated in €) without the counterparty risk in the worst case scenario.
Point 5 make holding BTC much more interesting than holding fiat (that is printed in oblivion by CB).
Points 1 and 2 make holding BTC much more secure than holding fiat at the bank.
First or later some large institutional investors (the smaller of the group, probably) will decide to put some money in BTC to edge against system risks.
Someone will decide to buy BTC as investments instead of Rembrandt or Monet.
All they have? NO
A paltry 1% would make wonder to the bitcoin price.
A single large private actor could, at the current exchange rate, buy 1% of all existing BTC (around 120K BTC) for mere 100 M USD and just this would propel the exchange rate around 1500$.
The Federal Reserve print 2 Billions a day every day (QE). Just if a paltry billion get lost and end buying bitcoin instead of T-bills, it would propel the exchange rate to 5-10K USD.
Just the take-away food industry adoption in Germany alone is a multi-billions year industry. If they start converting from CC and cash to BTC (as appear they are doing) to save and to add security the added demand to hold for BTC would be in the hundred of millions $ range (at least).