I invite you to play with Distributed Micropayment System (DiMS) of my design. This is bitcoin blockchain based cryptocurrency.
I have made some binaries available:
https://github.com/salivan-ratcoin-dev-team/dims/releases Presentation includes:
windows files :
dims_client.exe - this enable you to connect to the network receive and send coins and pay for applications (wait prox. 1 minute for synchronization with network)
dims_appTest.exe - this is payable application, it is not functional till you pay it using DiMS coins
minGW based environment - which enable you to create payable application ( static qt needed on your side )
In order to do anything you have to gain some coins to spend
There are 3 simple ways( beside those you can earn coins running nodes within system but I will not discuss this topic yet ) :
1. Generate address using client and ask me to send you some coins
2. Spoon new coins by sending testnet bitcoins to origin address, use normal bitcoin software for this step ( mh1xFXHEPZSgeKW8mrRUrXeJJyXTrc95ku – DiMS origin address ).
Than use private address from which those bitcoins were sent to generate new dims address, you can do this via client.
After 6 confirmations coins should be credited on your balance
3 Use environment to create payable application and publish it hoping that there will be people who are willing to pay for it. ( I will buy it for sure)
System is functional but not ready yet
Vital functionalities are missing yet, among those are:
- audit functionality for monitors - this is vital for keeping health of the network
- anti-spamming policies - those will keep in check malicious behaviours
- small transaction cleaning - this is live boat of the system, prevents from being clogged with small spam related transactions.
- a lot of testing and bug fixing
Anyway I ask you to try my network and give me some feedback
video with small presentation:
http://youtu.be/511lhgJzKyshttp://inspector.dims.red/#testnet - this site list running nodes
Repository link: