I'm surprised nobody is taking advantage of all this free money out there to be made between exchanges.
We placed a priority on developing on
API to enable bots to do trading for this very reason.
There are no fees and we have good support.
Intersango accepts USD, EUR and GBP.
There's basically easy money to be made from the gaps in prices between exchanges and even inside exchanges.
Here's some Python code to find the USD <-> whatever exchange rate using Google:
def query_fiat_rate(conn, currency):
conn.request("GET", "/search?q=1usd+to+"+currency)
response = conn.getresponse()
html = response.read()
match = re.search('<b>1 U[.]S[.] dollar = ([0-9.]*) [A-Za-z .]*</b>', html)
if match is not None:
return decimal.Decimal(match.group(1))
raise FiatRateNotFound(currency)
import httplib
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.google.com")
print query_fiat_rate(conn, 'EUR')
Documentation for other exchanges APIs can be found on their websites.
Intersango API