ALTCOIN ( is on exchange now:, thanks to Lubliana777,;u=176702Come to support ALTCOIN please.
The ANN thread is here: has the following features:
Algorithm: Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor (Not scrypt-jane)
Symbol : ALT
Max Coins: 4294967296 (2^36) altcoins.
Block time: 1 minutes
Subsidy halves every 131,072 ( 2^17) blocks (~3 moths)
Difficulty Re-Target Time: 18 minutes
Block Rewards: Random block rewards as shown in the following table:
block number
| Block No. | Reward | |
|---------- |--------------|---|
| 1 to 131072 | rand[1,256] | | (2^8)
| 131073 to 262144 | rand[1,128] | | (2^7)
| 262145 to 524288 | rand[1,64] | | (2^6)
| 524289 to 1048576 | rand[1,32] | | (2^5)
| 1048577 to 2097152 | rand[1,16] | | (2^4)
| ................. | ....... | |
random up range halves every 131072 blocks (about 3 months)
minimum block reward is 1 ALT
Auto connect to ALTCOIN network without config.
Port: P2P 32767, RPC 32768