Dit is een makkelijke site om van alles zelf te berekenen:
https://www.coinwarz.com/cryptocurrencyDaarnaast is 10 cent per kWh niet echt een superdeal als je het mij vraag.
Uit het artikel waarnaar wordt gelinkt in het volgende topic:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3796311.0From what I’ve been able to dig up, the average professional mining farm is paying somewhere between 4 and 6 cents for electricity, and then another 3 to 6 cents for management and maintenance. A total cost of $50 per kilowatt per month is probably somewhere close to the median for large scale mining farms. As techniques improve and the industry grows, we expect this number to fall closer to $35 per kilowatt per month (including maintenance, land, taxes, etc.) throughout 2019 and 2020. We don’t believe that anyone paying more than $80 per kilowatt per month will be able to remain competitive unless the price of cryptocurrency continues to rise rapidly over the next year.