SuBeZi to
Create, be
Happy, have
Make it the
Real Deal.
SuBeZiCoin. SuBeZi is more than a simple token. it stands for a
relaxed and cool way of living. Join the community and talk about your SuBeZi way.
You don't own any SuBeZi yet? No problem! You still can
live the SuBeZi style and enjoy it!
And hey - just ask us for some free SuBeZi. The only thing we'll ask you is your OmniWallet bitcoin address :-)
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telegram is using OmniLayer on top of bitcoin so you can send & receive it with an
OmniLayer compatible wallet. Attention: Non OmniLayer compatible wallets can't recognise and show SuBeZi.
Stay tuned for more info. We are at a very early stage
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Your //SU:BE:ZI team