This isn't a scam....
well it is, but we all alrdy know that.
This is a good Ponzi..
I don't think the website is synced properly with the payout system at the moment, due to the snowballing effect of them unconfirmed Tx's other day.
But the system is working, we just need to get this guy with this silly 0.8 deposit out the system and it will be fine again.
How is any Ponzi ever gonna work if everyone bitchs and moans, putting people off, when it runs into troubles that had nothing to do with the owner, he is just trying to improve it so these problems wont effect his system again.
Everyone needs to start using one Ponzi to make it work properly and last long.
Keep this one going, invest! the owner seems to care and put in a lot of time to make this work!
Advertise for new investors
we will all make good money the more people there are